Start-Up Nation - Book Cover

Start-Up Nation Book Summary, Review, Notes

Start-up Nation tells us the story of Israel’s economic miracle: one startup on every 1,800 Israelis. The book describes how a bottom-up culture, military, the concept of brashness and sincerity (chutzpah), and interconnectedness were the main ingredients of building a start-up nation. Book Title: Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic MiracleAuthor: Dan Senor, Saul

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Meditations by Marcus Aurelius - Book Cover

Meditations Book Summary, Review, Notes

Meditations are written by Marcus Aurelius, a Roman Emperor who ruled from 161-180. He was the last from The Good Emperors (Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius) and Meditations serve as personal writings on his ideology, Stoicism, ruling, and dealing with people. Book Title: MeditationsAuthor: Marcus AureliusDate of Reading: March, 2018Rating: 9/10 What Is Being Said

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Influence by Robert Cialdini - Book Cover

Influence Book Summary, Review, Notes

Influence is Cialdini’s evergreen book on the six psychological principles that help us influence someone: reciprocation, commitment & consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity. Book Title: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Author: Robert B. Cialdini Date of Reading: January 2017 Rating: 8/10 What Is Being Said In Detail: Influence has quite a simple premise.

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